Dies ist nur ein kleiner Teil des Textes - Ich werde bald mehr hinzufügen und in's Deutsche übersetzen - einstweilen der englische Originaltext in voller Länge auf der Schwesternschaft von Avalon Spiegel- Seite
This is only a little peace of the original Text - I'll soon be adding more (and translating it to german) - meanwhile see english text in full lenght at Sisterhood of Avalon mirror-page
The Ways of Avalon have not been forgotten ... they have slumbered, perhaps, in the psyche of all women, awaiting a time when they can re-emerge... a time when they can, once again, serve as a path of healing, of empowerment, of self - discovery ... a time when women dedicated to their personal growth can once again climb the Tor's Spiraled Path and find the Goddess within.
The Sisterhood of Avalon was established to serve as a receptacle of lore and wisdom for all aspects of the study of Avalon, as well as to act as a medium for community building for all who are beckoned to her shores. Over time, it has evolved to become a family of Hearths, united in a training of utmost discipline, and a dedication to revive the old ways of Avalon as they were.
Source file (Last modification: 17.2.99)